Ainda bem que o filho do meu aluno não puxou ao pai, e sim à mãe! 😀 Mas vamos relembrar o phrasal verb em inglês cujo significado é ‘parecer com alguém’ ou ‘puxar a alguém’.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


Congratulations! A handsome little guy! He must have taken after his mother.

must have (past participle)
He must have gone.
He must have eaten.

He must have taken after his mother.

take after

Podcast #289:

Mathew loves to eat. He takes after his father.

He’s a big eater.

take after

I take
You take
He/She takes

He takes after his father.

He took after his father.

My son likes to play video games. He takes after his father.

My ________ likes to ________. He takes after ________.

I hope you take after your mother and like to study.

Vagas abertas até o fim desta semana!


Vamos praticar a expressão de hoje no setor de comentários da Dica #289 (Clique AQUI). Complete a frase:

____ likes to ___________ . He/She takes after __________________ .

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